Upon enrollment, you will receive immediate access to the following course modules:
Deepening Intuition Module I: clairvoyance & clairsentience
Deepening Intuition Module II: clairaudience & claircognizance
Within this course series, a direct method of connection will be given for each psychic ability (clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and claircognizance). Over the course of 4 weeks, we will explore all four “clairs” with 4 practice videos each week. This structure allows the student to get the feeling of each unique ability and actually practice doing psychic work. Each exercise allows the student to find a way into their intuition and begin interacting with it.
The course begins with an introduction video and a discussion about the different types of psychic ability in our world. We then dive into practicing each ability directly. With these exercises, you should begin to have a good sense of how psychic ability works and feels. You also may begin to notice the defining sensations and qualities of each “clair” or psychic ability.
Important note: Although not a prerequisite, completing the Inner Mystic course is highly recommended prior to enrolling in this particular course.